Arm Lift

An arm lift, also known as brachioplasty, is a relatively simple procedure that focuses on the reshaping of the under portion of the arm, allowing for the removal of sagging skin and enhancing muscle and tone in the area.

Who Is a Candidate for an Arm Lift?

The ideal candidate for an arm lift are adults who experience skin laxity in their upper arm area. Candidates should be of a stable weight and be able to maintain that weight before, during, and after their procedure for optimal results. Patients who are overall healthy, non-smokers, and those who have recently lost a significant amount of weight can benefit from an arm lift.

What Concerns Can an Arm Lift Treat?

An arm lift surgery provides many benefits because it addresses more than one concern at a time. While defying signs of aging, such as sagging skin, is the number one goal for most patients, an arm lift can also help achieve the following:

  • Reshape the underside of the upper arm
  • Achieve a more toned and contoured appearance
  • Enhance the arm muscle
  • Reduce the amount of fat in the arm area
  • Remove excess skin
  • Tighten supportive tissue and skin
  • Smooth the skin
  • Eliminate sagging or excess skin
  • Improve proportional appearance in comparison to other body features
  • Achieve a stronger, more youthful appearance
  • Increase self-confidence

What Can I Expect from an Arm Lift?

The arm lift surgery is a short procedure compared to other cosmetic surgeries. While this timeframe may vary depending on your goals, most arm lifts take between one to two hours to perform. General or local anesthesia may be given to the patient undergoing the arm lift procedure to help manage any discomfort. However, most patients feel very little pain during their arm lift surgery and feel their side effects more during recovery.

What Is Recovery from an Arm Lift Like?

While recovery from an arm lift will vary from patient to patient, it typically takes around two to three weeks before you can return to your normal routine without any pain or side effects.

During recovery, you should take great care to follow your surgeon’s aftercare guidelines in order to prevent any complications during your healing. These guidelines may include properly dressing your arms, wrapping them in bandages, wearing compression garments, and avoiding any physical activity that may cause potential injury to your arms. Keeping up with your follow-up appointments is also an important way to ensure you achieve a successful recovery.

How Long Will the Results from an Arm Lift Last?

The results of an arm lift surgery are meant to be long-lasting and semi-permanent as long as you are able to maintain a stable weight. A sudden and significant change in weight may cause the results of your arm lift to alter. The natural process of aging may also lead to future sagging skin. However, with a balanced diet, routine exercise, and maintenance when needed, you can enjoy strong, firm arms for years to come.

Schedule a Consultation at Cosmetic Surgical Group

At Cosmetic Surgical Group, our highly experienced surgeons are proud to provide high-quality care to patients in Miami, FL. To schedule a consultation for an arm lift, click here or call 786.758.3269.

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